
Status Medical Equipments
India Pvt Ltd.
Plot No. M9/A,
Additional MIDC,
Satara, 415004

Ph: +91 702 006 4178

Calculiclast-Pneumatic Lithotriper

All urologists will agree that, the pneumatic lithotripter is a must have equipment in a kidney stone treatment set up. Although other advanced stone breaking devices like holmium Yag laser lithotripters are available now; the humble old warrior is the friend in need of urologist.

In India, we can compare it with Mahindra make utility vehicles It is quite reliable, easy to maintain, as Mahindra vehicle can be repaired by a roadside mechanic, the pneumatic lithotripter is easily reparable, many times the O.T. assistant does the trick in nick of time. The other most important thing In Indian contest is it is very cheap!

We, Status Medical are one of the pioneer manufacturing companies, of pneumatic lithotripters in India. From the year 1996 we are selling Intracorporeal Pneumatic lithotripters in India & other countries under the brand name of CALCULICLAST.  Many old timers tell me fondly about the positive impact the Calculiclast had done to their practice. At that time the imported pneumatic lithotripters were very costly the pricing was beyond bounds of normal private urologist. There was no alternative available to break ureteric or kidney stone. except the ultrasonic burr, which was unreliable &was not effective on hard stones. 

From those early days to till today we are manufacturing & selling quite a good number of Calculiclast lithotripters per year.

As a developer of the machine, I knew that we are offering a workable solution to the user, but I was not fully satisfied with it. There were seldom feedbacks regarding sticking of hand tool, not satisfactory breaking of the stone. The problem was in the hand tool, the most important part of the machine.

In the hand tool there is one piston which moves in a tube as pneumatic pulse is applied. In turn it gives impact to the stem of probe. The mechanism is quite simple! Just like cylinder & piston in diesel engine of Mahindra! The Mercedes car also has diesel engine, but it gives you absolute refined & efficient performance. I will say on the scale of 100 if Mercedes engine is on 95 Mahindra engines is on 90 In mathematics the difference is small, but we all know in practical every mark above 90 demands lot efforts & application. 

So, we were on Mahindra scale, offering efficient workable solution, but lacking the consistent reliability of Mercedes. I knew the problem lies in making of the piston & tube. We also knew the solution, but its implementation was not possible because of small quantities & custom-made design. Ultimately with international sourcing & ingenious processes we have improved performance of Calculiclast. As a maker we always try to achieve the best & when we nearly do it the pleasure is immense!

Of course, proof of pudding is in the eating! I invite all urologists’ friends to use our new Hand tool of Calculiclast, the intracorporeal pneumatic lithotripter.