
Status Medical Equipments
India Pvt Ltd.
Plot No. M9/A,
Additional MIDC,
Satara, 415004

Ph: +91 702 006 4178

The Story Behind Status



After graduating from Walchand College of Engineering, I shifted from Sangali to Satara and started a small engineering unit, the unit was started with the aim of pragmatically utilizing the engineering knowledge I had.

​The opportunity knocked when I was talking about my venture with two of my school friends. Both of them are surgeons, one specialised in Urology and the other one is in orthopedics. They had started hospital together. The friend who is an orthopaedic surgeon brought out the point that he was not able to perform surgeries like orthoscopy as the Orthoshaver an essential equipment to perform the surgery had to be imported at unaffordable cost. This brought out the gap or rather a need of developing surgical and other related equipment. Orthoshaver became the first product of this need. Thorough understanding and experimentation helped us develop the first Orthoshaver at functional cost.

And with this began the journey of ‘Status Medical Equipments’. The 30 years journey is built henceforth. 

Development of Orthoshaver made further journey intriguing. After Orthoshaver, we developed Hydromat, a peristaltic pump which creates powerful jet of water at the tip of Ureterenoscope & facilitates its insertion in Ureter. It was well accepted by urologists as insertion of big size ureternoscope was difficult task.

Those were the days when internet was not available. The sources of latest information about new developments in the field of medical equipment were briefs from the senior surgeons visiting the developed countries, & fresh surgeons coming back from these countries after their post-graduation.

At that time, for endoscopic kidney stone lithotripsy, only available equipment was Ultrasonic lithotripter. However, it was very slow, non-effective on hard stones and size of probes were bigger. As per our UK returned friend, recently developed, pneumatic lithotripter was fast with choice of small probes & capable of disintegrating of any kidney stone, but most of the Indian urologist were not able to buy that because of high cost in Indian rupees. Considering this, we decided to develop pneumatic lithotripter.  Status medical Equipment became one of the first two Indian manufactures of pneumatic lithotripter the Calculiclast!

Over the years, Status Medical Equipments developed, India’s first weight sensor based uroflowmeter, The Flowcomp, wireless uroflowmetry-Flowcomp-NG, The Auto-Tersus an US patented technology, based, self-cleaning urine flowmeter, We are pioneer manufacturer of Urodynamic measuring system – Urocomp-2000.Recentally we become the first Indian company to successfully manufacture an Holmium Yag laser lithotripter, The Astra-30

We are proud that over the years SME has served Urological fraternity, by manufacturing state of the art products.

Atmanirbhar’ was not a buzz word then but the motivation and intention that came through my friends’ need lead us to develop the equipment and has been the same for past 30 years.

This is a brief introduction of Status Medical Equipment, Henceforth, through this blog, I will share my technical knowledge regarding application & use of our manufactured range of products.