
Status Medical Equipments
India Pvt Ltd.
Plot No. M9/A,
Additional MIDC,
Satara, 415004

Ph: +91 702 006 4178


Next Generation Urodynamic Measurement System

An advanced urodynamic measurement system featuring real-time data display, customizable test protocols, and comprehensive patient management, designed to provide accurate and efficient urological diagnostics.

Advanced Technology

State of the art technology

Modular Design

Five upgradable models

High Sampling Rates

Increased sensitivity

User Friendly

ICS compliant software

Making it ideal for diagnostic needs like

Urodynamics is the study of bladder and urethra function through measurements like bladder pressure and flow rate. This testing is vital for diagnosing conditions such as urge incontinence, stress incontinence, urinary retention, frequency, hesitancy, and other related issues.

NG UROCOMP-2000 is a modular Urodynamic Measurement System providing comprehensive analysis of problems related to lower urinary tract. The robust hardware ensures reliable performance in clinical settings. The device is made compact and ergonomic in design enabling easy integration into any medical environment.

The device is equipped with an intuitive software ensuring precise and user-friendly operation. The sensors, infusion pump, puller can be calibrated through the software. The report generated is as per ICS standards and contains all the current nomograms.


A preliminary non-invasive test measuring urine flow rate and volume of urine for assessing problems with lower urinary tract


Measures bladder pressure and capacity to evaluate bladder function during filling and emptying.

Cystometry with EMG

Measures muscle activity along with bladder pressure and to assess the coordination between bladder function and pelvic floor muscles

Pressure Flow Study

Assesses the relationship between bladder pressure and urine flow to diagnose obstruction and evaluate bladder function

Video Urodynamic

Used to visualize and assess the function of the bladder and urethra during filling and voiding phase

Urethral Pressure Profiling

Measures urethral pressure to evaluate sphincter function, diagnose incontinence, and detect obstructions


An evaluation and treatment method used for Pelvic floor muscles rehabilitation

Anorectal Manometry

Used to identify cause of constipation or rectal incontinence by assessing strength and coordination of the rectum and anal sphincter muscles


Proven Performance,
Trusted by Many.

Each installation and every test performed with our Urodynamic
measurement device is a testament to our unwavering commitment
in delivering qualitative and reliable results.


Models installed till now


Tests done till now

  1. Measuring Programs:
    1. Uroflowmetry:
      • Gravimetric type Vmic sensor
      • Beaker and uroflowmetry voiding chair is provided with an option of US patented Self-cleaning technology
    2. Cystometry with Electromyography:
      • Roller pump, for precise non pulsating infusion, having Flow rate 1ml/min to 100ml/min
      • Disposable or non-disposable pressure sensors for measurement of Pves and Pabd.
      • Vin – Weight Sensor
      • EMG- EMG Module with amplifier and filter compatible for surface and wire electrodes
      • Automatic leak and artifact detection
      • Visual and Sound EMG recordings
      • Post-test editing
    3. UPP
      • Catheter puller arm having pulling speed of 2cm/min to 6cm/min
      • Disposable or non-disposable pressure sensors for measurement of Pves and Pabd
    4. Biofeedback
      • S​eparate EMG Evaluation and Therapy modes
      • Easily set patient specific custom challenges in therapy mode
      • Animated Themes for therapy mode
      • Post-test editing​
    5. Anorectal Manometry
      • 4 User configurable pressure channels
      • User selectable pressure channel for parameter calculation
      • Post test editing
    6. Video Urodynamics
      • Facilitates Live Test Images and Video Recording of the Bladder using the C-Arm X-Ray machine
  2. Control Unit:
    • State of the art isolator and signal processor.
  3. Computer:
    • All in one windows computer with LCD screen and suitable printer.
  4. Trolly:
    • Specially designed modular integrated trolley.


Optional Accessories:

  • Self-cleaning Uroflowmetry Chair 
  • C-Arm Compatible Motorised Urodynamics Study Chair

Measuring Programs:

  • Uroflowmetry

  • Cystometry

  • Cystometry with EMG

  • Pressure Flow Studies

  • Urethral Pressure Profilometry

  • Biofeedback

  • Anorectal Manometry

Advantages of UROCOMP 2000:

  • State of the art technology

  • Modular Design

  • High Sampling Rates

  • User friendly operating software as per ICS standards

  • Five Upgradable models


Advantages of Urocomp-S, SME’s operating software for Urodynamic studies:

  • Windows 10 Compatible

  • Patient data storage and retrieval

  • Provisions for pre-setting of graphs, Calibration of sensors, pump and puller.

  • Standard ICS Nomograms

  • Easy and intuitive procedure for calibration

  • Common for all 3 below mentioned software modules

  • Search and filter capability

  • User friendly patient updating functionality

Available Models

NG UROCOMP-2000: Basic model offering measuring programs – Uroflowmetry, Cystometry, Pressure Flow Studies and EMG

The system is upgradable and we provide below mentioned modules for separate studies:

  1. Urethral Pressure Profiling module
  2. Uroflowmetry with US patented Self-cleaning technology
  3. Biofeedback module for Pelvic Floor muscles Rehabilitation
  4. Anorectal Manometry module
  5. Leak Point Detection module

We have been using Status Medical Equipment’s Urocomp 2000 (Urodynamic measurement system) in diagnostic procedures for the past 10 years, and the device has been performing well & is easy to operate.

Yashoda Hospital, Secunderabad

We have been using Status Medical Equipment’s UROCOMP-2000 (Urodynamic measurement system) for more than 10 years. The performance of the device is satisfactory. The device is user friendly and provides accurate data for diagnosis.

Urokul - Kulkarni Urosurgery Institute Pvt Ltd

We’ve been using Status Medical Equipment’s Urocomp 2000 for the past 2 years & it is reliable, easy to operate, and performs well.

Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneshwar